TV commercial – gorilla felled by a dress

TV commercial  – gorilla felled by a dress

Implicit Quick Dive®

Implicit Quick Dive®

heart.facts emotion research – closer to the unconscious than any other method

heart.facts emotion research – closer to the unconscious than any other method

Depth psychology: we welcome contradictions

Depth psychology: we welcome contradictions

Design Thinking: Never fall in love with your first idea

Design Thinking: Never fall in love with your first idea

Not everything looks good: optimal packaging design

Not everything looks good: optimal packaging design

Fish – the alien on our plate

Fish – the alien on our plate

The power of small data

The power of small data

Tool: Brand TAT

Tool: Brand TAT

It’s a kids‘ world

It’s a kids‘ world

Tool: The Lion’s Cage

Tool: The Lion’s Cage

Psyche over tongue: indications of quality in coffee

Psyche over tongue: indications of quality in coffee

A ‘rigorous’ segmentation

A ‘rigorous’ segmentation

Old wine in new people

Old wine in new people

The story told by posters

The story told by posters

From eye tracking to mind tracking

From eye tracking to mind tracking

Caught up in cable clutter

Caught up in cable clutter

Kids just wanna have fun

Kids just wanna have fun

On an equal footing with demigods

On an equal footing with demigods

Men and women in traffic

Men and women in traffic

Nice range – good job!

Nice range – good job!

The jackpot on the pack

The jackpot on the pack

Progressing from tradition: how a brand reinvents itself

Progressing from tradition: how a brand reinvents itself

Chinese-German co-operation – big time

Chinese-German co-operation – big time

The cloud from the inside

The cloud from the inside

Vanity fair

Vanity fair

Bringing together what belongs together

Bringing together what belongs together

Augmented reality: discovering Boston with the ‘third eye’.

Augmented reality: discovering Boston with the ‘third eye’.

Research beacons for innovations at floor level

Research beacons for innovations at floor level

The tariff of the future

The tariff of the future