The cloud from the inside

to find insights that facilitate and promote the marketing of cloud offerings to small and medium-sized businesses.
Surveys on the barriers to and drivers of using the cloud in small and medium-sized businesses always lead to the same abstract answers, mostly focusing on security or costs. What our client wanted was a clear-cut and graphic impression of how firms already using the cloud go about their daily work as opposed to those not yet using it.
Ethnography in the B2B context! The september team visited 16 small to medium-sized firms for a whole day. How did these companies apply cloud solutions, and where would such solutions make sense? What kinds of everyday challenges existed? What about work-arounds to simulate cloud functionality? All this was rounded off with personal portraits and perspectives of the decision-makers.
A lively workshop with plenty of first-hand examples and cases taken from daily practice. We compiled an overview of the ‘cloud types’ we encountered as a source of inspiration for the marketing and development of cloud solutions to small and medium-sized businesses.