Ziel: die unsichtbaren emotionalen Reaktionen auf Marken und Werbemittel präzise messen; Unternehmen und Agenturen praktisch verwertbare Resultate liefern.Why: Alle unsere Entscheidungen werden durch schnelle, unbewusste Emotionen beeinflusst und vorbereitet. Marken, Werbemittel und Verpackungen sind also nur dann erfolgreich, wenn sie beim Konsumenten positive emotionale Wirkung erzielen. Mit der heart.facts Emotionsforschung ist es möglich, diese Effekte […]
heart.facts emotion research – closer to the unconscious than any other method
Ziel: die unsichtbaren emotionalen Reaktionen auf Marken und Werbemittel präzise messen; Unternehmen und Agenturen praktisch verwertbare Resultate liefern.Why: Alle unsere Entscheidungen werden durch schnelle, unbewusste Emotionen beeinflusst und vorbereitet. Marken, Werbemittel und Verpackungen sind also nur dann erfolgreich, wenn sie beim Konsumenten positive emotionale Wirkung erzielen. Mit der heart.facts Emotionsforschung ist es möglich, diese Effekte […]
Design Thinking: Never fall in love with your first idea
Design Thinking: Never fall in love with your first idea Objective to develop and market a new foodstuff using the Design Thinking method Why Our client was planning the immediate launch of a protein drink for women, for which all parameters were open. september was given the task of identifying relevant target group needs and […]
It’s a kids‘ world
It’s a kids‘ world Objective to generate insights into the best way for children’s and family brands to address their target group on TV. How We use a variety of methods to identify the daily conflicts lurking behind the façades of a supposedly intact family world. The ‘FBI’ method involves parallel interviewing of mother and […]
Old wine in new people
Old wine in new people Objective to find insights into how to whet the appetite of younger consumers for wine. How In a multi-stage process comprised of focus groups, accompanied shopping trips, and tests of visuals and packaging, we analysed how the target group perceives the world of wine, and identified existing obstacles as well […]
The story told by posters
The story told by posters Objective to find objective evidence of the advertising impact of a poster and evaluate design variants. How heart.facts emotion measurement was used to gauge the unconscious emotional reactions of respondents in three phases of perception: spontaneous/short/long. In the course of subsequent in-depth interviews we then went on to examine the […]
Caught up in cable clutter
Caught up in cable clutter Objective to develop a simple and intuitive set of instructions for installing a router Why People find instruction manuals disconcerting. The directions lead them into a world of complexity, which is the last place they want to be. The customer focus is on using a product, not on how to […]
Kids just wanna have fun
Kids just wanna have fun Objective to understand the children’s worlds of today for the launch of a new hot chocolate drink Why A renowned soft drinks manufacturer commissioned september with research into the expectations that parents and children place in typical kids’ products. These insights were to ensure a packaging design capable of attracting […]
On an equal footing with demigods
On an equal footing with demigods Objective to identify market openings for a new surgical product for doctors. Why A medical hardware supplier commissioned september to survey doctors with the aim of identifying any drivers and barriers within the target group prior to launching the product. How september carried out separate focus groups with patients […]