The Art of Body Reading. Vortrag auf der GOR am 1.3.2018 in Köln
Kann die Marktforschung Geschichten erzählen, die den Konsumenten selbst verborgen sind? Können neue biometrische Verfahren die traditionelle Landkarte der Marktforschung verändern? In seinem Vortrag auf der GOR – General Online Reserach – zeigte Markus Küppers wie september mit seinen Innovationen den Status Quo herausfordert …
Abstract: Imagine a world where market research wouldn’t have to take consumers‘ response at face value. Imagine we could could go ‚under the skin‘ and see what consumers actually feel! Given the vast technological progress within the past decade or so, we are now able to actually do this by monitoring consumers‘ biometrical data and, via empirical algorithms, condense the data into seven emotional KPI 1. attraction, 2. relevance, 3. liking, 4. emotional closeness, 5. trust, 6. sceptisicm, and 7. stress – completed by in-depth-interviews to marry the emotional KPI with the inner psychological story. This combination is able to evaluate almost any stimulus not only twice as valid but also to deliver sound and hands-on recommendation. But there is no innovation without a challenge of the status quo…